Friday, September 12, 2014


Advertising is vital in the political world.   I believe political advertising has changed drastically over the last several decades. “That said, effective advertising could persuade you that a particular brand is better or more appealing than the competition (Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media, Landa, R. 3).”  This is how political campaigns get their point across with advertisements inform the audience one thing is better than the other.  When it comes to politics advertising is probably the only advantage candidates have the chance to persuade the world.  “The idea drives your design decisions—how you create, why you select imagery and typefaces or lettering, and the reasoning behind your color palette selection. The idea sets the framework for all your design decisions. An ad idea is visually and verbally expressed through the creation, selection, combination, manipulation, and arrangement of visual and verbal elements and the written copy (Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media, Landa, R. 68).”  When creating an advertisement all of these factors apply to it.  People can sense tone, visuals, and verbiage from a mile way when it comes to advertising.   Negative or attack ads have been studied for their effects on memory and ability to shape attitude towards candidates. Both variables are measured to determine the effectiveness of negative ads, which tend to be well remembered. The limitation of this technique is that it can sometimes be highly counterproductive as ads turn out to harm the attacking candidate.   “To create something fresh, you need to know what has already been done. You've seen millions of ads in your lifetime and probably know what looks, feels, and sounds stale by now. The ability to deconstruct and categorize ads is a useful skill for those who aspire to do creative work (Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media, Landa, R. 107).” 


Television icon Joan Rivers was one of the most influential women for more than half a century.  Her way of making people laugh in hard times and good times made her a household name for generations.  I believe there are not many people that can do what she has given the world.   “In an overcrowded, competitive marketplace, relevant and engaging branding can ensure efficacy for a quality product, service, group, individual, or commodity. Not only does branding identify and distinguish, it builds equity (Advertising by Design 49).  In this competitive industry Joan always knew she had to stay relevant and stay in the middle of things to keep up with everyone else.  Joan Rivers was the first person to create a dialogue on all the pre-award show red carpets.  By creating a conversation with the actors and actresses journalism was once again re-born.  With her very funny jokes and quick reactions Joan distinguished herself as one of a kind.  In many ways Joan Rivers was someone we can all relate to.  “A brand or group can characterize a vital force, a sense of self, enthusiasm, energy, or state of mind; or it can rouse a feeling in someone of belonging to a group, cause, or country (Advertising by Design 60).”  Her sense of energy and good vibes she gave out to anyone that is around her was unmatchable.  In many ways, the way you relate to your audience and make them trust you can be the most vital aspect of the whole brand.  I believe Joan was that person for us; she gave us what many people lacked in.  “One way to make a brand relevant is to provide something useful—to appeal to people and earn their attention—based in their special interests or needs (Advertising by Design 53).”  When branding herself Joan always knew that she would provide people something that can’t be bought, which is her presents.  She gave us something that is so useful, which is laughter and the beauty of stepping back and looking at everything.


1.      "Advertising is a mass media leveler, the pop 23culture vehicle—from outdoor boards to Web banners to television commercials—with which we all come into contact" (Advertising by Design 3).  My advertisement will be a huge success because I will feature all the luxuries and the practicality of the Range Rover.  In this car, all your dreams will come true.  The demographic of this car is very wide it can be the single woman with a high profile career that lives in a penthouse in New York City or the soccer mom living in the suburbans that doesn't want to drive a mini van, but she still want the luxury of the Range Rover as well as the practical aspect.   "Finding a relevant insight into how people think, what they need or desire, and how they act, termed a consumer insight, is paramount for idea generation. That consumer insight should be coupled with an insight into the brand" (Advertising by Design 68).  I strongly believe I would separate myself from the competition because, my appropriate angle is not to say just to buy a car.  I want my consumers to believe that it is just not buying a car it is attaining a lifestyle.  A lifestyle that makes all your dreams and desire come to life.  The Range Rover has a high status that it upholds.  "According to Abraham Maslow, one of the founders of humanistic psychology, we have a hierarchy of needs that influence our behavior. Maslow arranged these needs into a hierarchical pyramid. At the bottom of the pyramid are the basic (or physiological) needs, such as air, water, food, sex, sleep, etc. As you ascend the pyramid, physiological needs are followed by safety, love, and then esteem. Finally, at the pinnacle, we find self-actualization, which is defined as “the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming" (Advertising by Design 16).

Friday, September 5, 2014

Analysis of Project in the Real World

"Frames can be thought of as conceptual structures that determine meaning—the meaning of an argument or the meaning of a situation" (Advertising by Design 35).  I truly believe my ad can be very successful in the real world.  I showed my ad to my friends and family to get some feed back and I really was impressed with the good outcomes.  I showcased my ad to several prominently business minded individuals and every loved the angle I focused on.  Showing this ad to them really made me think that it can not only survive in the real world, but thrive in the real world.  "You can use reversal to reframe a problem to stimulate ideas or to see it from a different viewpoint, or reversal may help you to see different ways to define the problem" (Advertising by Design 36).  I strongly agree with this quote.  It is very vital to give time for different frame works and ideas. 

Creative Content

"When creating art for a solid period of time, you enter into a meditative zone of active experimentation. Creating fine art frees the subconscious mind from the design problem and may lead to ideas" (Advertising By Design 40).  My campaign is a 'mood board' that has all the attributes of what a Range Rover offers.  I believe I can express myself best and convey the message I want to tell the consumer.  "Advertising has become ubiquitous than ever, as advertisers try to find new ways to get their message through.  Advertising differentiates brands, groups, and causes, and ultimately sells products and calls people to action" (Advertising by Design 3).  In my opinion, I believe the Range Rover gives that ultimate dream to a consumer, and that is what I want to feature.


"Implicit in each construct must be the following markers, which are indicators for effective promotion and potential growth" (Advertising by Design 52).  For promotion, I really wanted to do something I can truly say that it came from my heart.  I decided to the best way I can feature this to a consumer is through an ad.  So, I start with what I know and what I can attain.  For me, being a blogger and very much immersed into the magazine industry.  I knew that when the magazines editors are trying to prepare for their next issue they do something called a mood board.  Mood boards are one of my favorite things to do, I am truly inspired by them and thought it was the best idea for me.  To do is, being that we are only submitting this virtually I decided to do the mood board on PhotoShop.  A Program I have never used before, and so I asked around and found someone to help me.  Although, I have many thoughts and ideas about what I can do to make my promotion go far.  To implement these ideas I strongly believe doing a huge showcase of all the latest Range Rovers would be a great ideas.  We would have food and drinks and consumer would feature advertisements through social media.  Consumers would come and view the feature the luxuries the Range Rover offers.  "An advertising campaign is a series of coordinated ads, based on an overarching strategy, connected by look and feel, voice, tone, style, imagery, and tagline" (Advertising by Design 3).  I believe this quote sums up my purpose for the Range Rover showcasing.  I don't want the consumers to not just see the car in pictures, I them to feel it.  I want them to imagine living their lives with a Range Rover in their drive way.  That is what I want the consumers to take from the showcasing.  "The creation of branded utilities requires expertise" (Advertising by Design 11). 

Competitive Analysis

"After much reflection on the data and material you have gathered, you develop the direction your solution(s) will take" (Advertising By Design 17).  While doing extensive research on the competition for the Range Rover, I found out to my surprise that the 2014 Lincoln MKX and 2014 Cadiallac SRX are the two main competitors.  These cars hold up approximately the same ranking in the market, because they include luxury with a little practicality.  Knowing that I have competitors with almost the same height of ranking I would know how to angel my pitch and refine my message so that the Range Rover would be in a separate category.  I would do this my highly promoting the Range Rover with whats really important with consumers today.  Family, Friends, happiness, and strong core values.  I believe those characteristics are what counts with people today.  "Advertising and ethics can coexist. Certainly, public service advertising helps society and is the advertising profession's greatest contribution to the general good, one that cannot be denied or overstated. Consumer advertising also can be held to ethical standards" (Advertising By Design 13).  Having an ethical motive of doing things is very imperative in the advertising world.  Sharing something that very has in common is the way to a successful campaign.  "ethics, humanitarianism, preservation, coolness, fun, family values, respectability, excitement, energy, novelty, inventiveness, cutting-edge research, healthful living, an active lifestyle" (Advertising by Design 59).  

Range Rover: "Put Your Dream In Drive"

"Consumers are empowered to engage in the content they choose; if they don't ‘care’ about a campaign, they'll avoid it. When executed in a welcoming manner, digital content invites consumers to engage on their terms" (Advertising by Design 110).  I did extensive research on the real life advertising form Range Rover.  Their angle of focus is the luxury of the car.  People love luxuries in anything in this world.  They will be consumed if they are advertised something that promotes any sort of high class category.  "The sales pitch is woven into the drama, with the hope that the audience won't focus on the persuasive intent. Some say that audiences tend to be more skeptical of claims made in lectures, whereas dramas tend to disarm, dropping the level of skepticism. Lectures and dramas can be combined into one format, where the drama is interrupted by a mini lecture or vice versa" (Advertising by Design 108).  This quote is exactly what advertising is nowadays.  This pitch is what I hand in mind when I was in the thought process for my billboard.  Advertisers want their consumers to see that they are advertising the important things in life, the product they are advertising is not even in the campaign.  The product is at the core of their message in every single ad.
Creative thinking is needed through all the phases of an advertising project. "Creative solutions are produced by a keen and imaginative mind or by a team of keen, imaginative minds. A model developed by Benjamin Bloom, called “Bloom's Taxonomy,” categorizes thinking skills; we will use it here to represent the developmental phases of a project. Bloom's Taxonomy is as follows:"

    > Knowledge
    > Comprehension
    > Application
    > Analysis
    > Synthesis
    > Evaluation

When creating an advertisement for a luxury car understanding the process is an imperative aspect in creating a good campaign.  I strongly believe that all of these steps will make Range Rover a success.  I feel like my slogan has a wide demographic in regards to anyone from any walks of life can be a Range Rover driver.  The practicality will give you comfort ability and they beauty will give the consumer the feeling of luxuries.  "Learning about your client's business (general industry or sector and particular business, product, service, or organization) is paramount. Being a creative professional in advertising necessitates learning about each product, service, or cause under assignment. In a midsize or large agency, the account manager and client provide information to you. Most smart creatives do some digging themselves. The Internet, of course, has made information more accessible than ever. Develop an understanding of how best to conduct research, specifically where to look for and gather information" (Advertising by Design 16).