Friday, September 5, 2014

Range Rover: "Put Your Dream In Drive"

"Consumers are empowered to engage in the content they choose; if they don't ‘care’ about a campaign, they'll avoid it. When executed in a welcoming manner, digital content invites consumers to engage on their terms" (Advertising by Design 110).  I did extensive research on the real life advertising form Range Rover.  Their angle of focus is the luxury of the car.  People love luxuries in anything in this world.  They will be consumed if they are advertised something that promotes any sort of high class category.  "The sales pitch is woven into the drama, with the hope that the audience won't focus on the persuasive intent. Some say that audiences tend to be more skeptical of claims made in lectures, whereas dramas tend to disarm, dropping the level of skepticism. Lectures and dramas can be combined into one format, where the drama is interrupted by a mini lecture or vice versa" (Advertising by Design 108).  This quote is exactly what advertising is nowadays.  This pitch is what I hand in mind when I was in the thought process for my billboard.  Advertisers want their consumers to see that they are advertising the important things in life, the product they are advertising is not even in the campaign.  The product is at the core of their message in every single ad.
Creative thinking is needed through all the phases of an advertising project. "Creative solutions are produced by a keen and imaginative mind or by a team of keen, imaginative minds. A model developed by Benjamin Bloom, called “Bloom's Taxonomy,” categorizes thinking skills; we will use it here to represent the developmental phases of a project. Bloom's Taxonomy is as follows:"

    > Knowledge
    > Comprehension
    > Application
    > Analysis
    > Synthesis
    > Evaluation

When creating an advertisement for a luxury car understanding the process is an imperative aspect in creating a good campaign.  I strongly believe that all of these steps will make Range Rover a success.  I feel like my slogan has a wide demographic in regards to anyone from any walks of life can be a Range Rover driver.  The practicality will give you comfort ability and they beauty will give the consumer the feeling of luxuries.  "Learning about your client's business (general industry or sector and particular business, product, service, or organization) is paramount. Being a creative professional in advertising necessitates learning about each product, service, or cause under assignment. In a midsize or large agency, the account manager and client provide information to you. Most smart creatives do some digging themselves. The Internet, of course, has made information more accessible than ever. Develop an understanding of how best to conduct research, specifically where to look for and gather information" (Advertising by Design 16). 

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