Friday, September 5, 2014


"Implicit in each construct must be the following markers, which are indicators for effective promotion and potential growth" (Advertising by Design 52).  For promotion, I really wanted to do something I can truly say that it came from my heart.  I decided to the best way I can feature this to a consumer is through an ad.  So, I start with what I know and what I can attain.  For me, being a blogger and very much immersed into the magazine industry.  I knew that when the magazines editors are trying to prepare for their next issue they do something called a mood board.  Mood boards are one of my favorite things to do, I am truly inspired by them and thought it was the best idea for me.  To do is, being that we are only submitting this virtually I decided to do the mood board on PhotoShop.  A Program I have never used before, and so I asked around and found someone to help me.  Although, I have many thoughts and ideas about what I can do to make my promotion go far.  To implement these ideas I strongly believe doing a huge showcase of all the latest Range Rovers would be a great ideas.  We would have food and drinks and consumer would feature advertisements through social media.  Consumers would come and view the feature the luxuries the Range Rover offers.  "An advertising campaign is a series of coordinated ads, based on an overarching strategy, connected by look and feel, voice, tone, style, imagery, and tagline" (Advertising by Design 3).  I believe this quote sums up my purpose for the Range Rover showcasing.  I don't want the consumers to not just see the car in pictures, I them to feel it.  I want them to imagine living their lives with a Range Rover in their drive way.  That is what I want the consumers to take from the showcasing.  "The creation of branded utilities requires expertise" (Advertising by Design 11). 

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